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IPP and Irish prisoners

The impact of the IPP sentence (imprisonment for public protection) is particularly harsh for Irish prisoners. Irish IPP prisoners do not have the chance to benefit from the Tariff Expired Removal Scheme (TERS) because Irish prisoners are not generally subject to deportation.

Prisoners in this situation therefore not only suffer the uncertainty of the indeterminate sentence, but suffer it a great distance from their family and their home.

It is unsurprising that this can impact on custodial behaviour, which sadly leads to unsuccessful parole reviews and many years served over tariff.

Catherine Bond has represented an Irish IPP prisoner throughout his sentence and has now achieved his release from closed conditions.

This was a hard-fought and emotional hearing. It is now down to him to demonstrate to his Offender Manager that his risk is manageable in the community in Ireland, so his Offender Manager can recommend his transfer back home.

Though not quite home yet, this decision takes this man a huge step closer to returning to his family.

SL5 Legal act for other Irish prisoners serving indeterminate, extended and recalled determinate sentences.

We would welcome the opportunity to use our experience to benefit more Irish prisoners who are struggling to progress in the English and Welsh prison system.


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