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Bond strikes again...

We would like to share an amazing success story with you.

A highly valued member of the SL5 Legal team, solicitor Catherine Bond, has achieved an extraordinary result for her client:

Following the client's release from his original life sentence, he was recalled for further offending and received another life sentence. He served many years over tariff and struggled considerably with open conditions, having been returned to closed conditions on five occasions.

He has now been successful in his application for release from closed conditions.

Catherine has represented the client for many years and fought hard for his release. She is overjoyed that he has finally regained his freedom, reflecting that the open conditions route simply does not work for everyone. It is important that the Parole Board consider the individual rather than insisting on a particular path of progression for indeterminate sentence prisoners.

Congratulations and best of luck to the client. Brilliant result Catherine, all your hard work paid off!


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Tuckers Solicitors LLP is a limited liability partnership authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (No.592449) and registered in England & Wales (Registered No. OC382272).

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