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Emma McClure: Irredeemably Flawed? IPP prisoners and the public protection myth

SL5's Emma McClure will be speaking at The Merseyside Skeptics Society

SL5's Emma McClure will be speaking at The Merseyside Skeptics Society on Thursday 17 August.

Introducing harsh sentences for crimes has been popular with governments of all sorts for decades. One such policy was the introduction of IPP sentences in the noughties for a very wide range of offences.

Though they are no longer given out, they have left a significant and troubling legacy that most people, even within the criminal justice system, know nothing about.

In her talk, entitled 'Irredeemably Flawed? IPP prisoners and the public protection myth', Emma will explain these sentences, the evidence for what actually works when trying to protect the public from harm, and the unintended consequences of ‘tough on crime’ sentencing.

This free event will be held at The Casa in Liverpool.



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