SL5's Lisa Burton has received this very moving letter from a client she has represented for several years:
Dear Lisa,
I wanted to write this as a massive thank you for helping me to get through many difficult and challenging times. As without you, battling away, fighting my corner, I would not be where I am now - a released man at the beginning of the rest of my life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Although it has been a long battle to get to the correct result, at no point did you lose faith that you would get me there. It was that faith, as well as all your hard work, which helped me to find the courage and strength to keep pushing forward.
I remember ten years ago - I had very little belief left, and it appeared no one would listen or help. And then you took up the challenge of this complex case. You would fight when something was wrong and always gave me good advice. I would not have wanted anyone else fighting my corner.
I had renewed belief that I now had the correct legal advice and team behind me to get me where I am now.
It has been a bumpy road with many obstacles along the way, but I never lost faith and could feel my legal team, in particular Lisa Burton, would win this fight to get me my freedom back. Lisa worked tirelessly - researching, digging through old reports, challenging errors and getting the correct assessments done by proper qualified professional people.
As I’ve said, it was a bumpy road. I’ve been in closed conditions then back to open conditions, back to closed, refused open again even though it was recommended by everyone. Lisa challenged this by JR and off I went to open conditions. I done really well and was expected to get released at my next hearing yet another obstacle was thrown my way and I was sent back to closed. However with faith in my legal team (Lisa Burton), we continued to push forward for my now release and after all the correct reports, research and assessments, I’ve now been released.
Thank you all at SL5 Legal, in particular Lisa Burton.
