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Persistence pays off: Chris Mould secures release of a long-serving IPP prisoner

Chris has been acting for a prisoner serving a sentence of Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP). Although the IPP sentence has been abolished, this did not have retrospective effect and many IPP prisoners have remained in custody for several years after their minimum term (tariff) has expired.

This client had been given a tariff of five years but, at the time Chris took on his case, he had already served 12 years in custody. His was a difficult case as he has been diagnosed with personality disorders and had spent time in a specialist unit.

At the first review Chris represented him at, Chris was able to persuade the Panel to make a recommendation for progression to open conditions which was accepted by the Secretary of State.

At the MCA assessment stage for his next review, Chris was able to persuade the Panel not to conclude his case on the papers, despite the fact that the client had made little progress in open conditions and was not ready to make a release application. His case was adjourned to give him a chance to make some progress in his resettlement plans.

When his case was reconvened at an oral hearing, he had been able to demonstrate the progress he had made and Chris was able to persuade the Panel to direct his release on licence.

He can now finally start to rebuild his life.



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