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Successful release application for long term life sentenced prisoner

SL5's Yasmin Karabasic represented a long term life sentenced prisoner who, following an initial period of release, had served almost 20 years following recall to custody.

This client had for many years disengaged from the parole process. However, following a long period of time in receipt of intensive therapy within a therapeutic community, the client was able to address significant issues in his life and became motivated to progress.

Yasmin first represented this client in 2020 and through careful case preparation and supporting the client in the building of his motivation and confidence, was able to successfully argue that the Parole Board should recommend his transfer to open conditions.

This client instructed Yasmin again for his next review which commenced following a successful period in open conditions. Yasmin provided support and advice to the client throughout his case and dealt with any issues that arose in respect of his progression.

The client was able to effectively present his best case at his parole hearing and that, along with full support from professional witnesses and effective advocacy on the client's behalf, lead to the Parole Board concluding that the client met the test for release.

This case showed the importance of access to therapy in an environment such as a therapeutic community, and how it helped the client address significant issues and build his self-esteem, to a point where he felt able to engage in a process. It also showed the importance of having effective yet empathetic representation, to not only represent the client through their case but to assist in confidence building and supporting them through years of progress.

The client provided this feedback:

"I want to say thank you to you and your firm for taking on and dealing with my case. I have had great reassurances from day one, and for that I am truly grateful."


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Tuckers Solicitors LLP is a limited liability partnership authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (No.592449) and registered in England & Wales (Registered No. OC382272).

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